Lincolnton High School, Lincolnton NC
Days until Reunion
October 23rd, 2025
7:00am EDT

Click on the three lines for the  menu at the top right of this page to view items on the website. 

You can now sort classmates by Graduation Year!

Founded and Sponsored by the
LHS 1960 - 1970 Planning Committee
The event is for LHS attendees who remember the Myrtle Beach Days of our youth! 
The reunion is October 23-26,2025 
The place will be Ocean Drive Resort.
The band this year will be Blackwater!   Everyone seemed to enjoy them in 2024 so we have booked them again for 2025.  
You can check them out at


We want to thank everyone who attended the reunion. 

 The reunion will be on October 23-26,2025

Tommy Huskey and Steve Valentine work very hard each year negotiating with the resort on rates and rooms, securing the band, ordering the shrimp, and keeping the committee informed on what is needed.

All of the committee members work hard to make sure you all have a great time.  Their names are listed in the booklet  and on this website, so if you see them please let them know if you enjoyed it.  It is definitely a group effort!  

If anyone is interested in joining the committee to help plan and work at the reunion, please send an email to 


  • If anyone would like to decorate a table at the reunion for their class or favorite college, please send an email to and we will get in touch with you. The decorations will need to be at the reunion by Thursday morning October 23,2025.

This year we will be giving a $100.00 prize to the guest who travels the farthest!

If you look in the News and Rumors you will see that we gave a scholarship to two students at LHS last year and plan to continue doing so.  If anyone is good at setting up a website, the Reunion Committee is looking for someone to set up a site for the LHS Alumni Scholarship Fund.  If you are interested,please send an email with you name and details to


Remember that we are always looking for sponsors and for items for the Silent Auction.  
If you have any questions, send an email to

We will let you know when you can  register on the Registration Page. Follow instructions on the page to register.  Please fill out all required information. 

Don’t forget to mail your check!  You are not fully registered until we receive your completed form AND we receive your money.  We will cap the registration number at 300 people so register and pay early!  Anyone registered and paid after September 10 will not be guaranteed a goody bag. 

Write your check for $65 per person plus optional $15.00  per person for Shrimp feast  to: 

LHS 60 to 70 Reunion
and mail it to:
Tommy Huskey
405 North Poplar St
Lincolnton, NC 28092

We have also made arrangements to accept fees through Zelle.  It is a free app and we feel good about it since our bank is using it.  The account Id is 

We will give a prize to the winner of a random drawing of the first 100 people to pay and the second 100 people to pay.   The winners for 2024 were Jean Caskey Rome and Marilyn Bynum Barker.  

We will let you know when it is OK to make your hotel reservations.   

If you want to stay at OD Resort, please call 1-843-249-1436.  It is best to call 7:30-8:30AM to reserve your room .  Ask for Mary  if possible. Be sure to tell her you are with the LHS 60-70 Reunion to get the group rates. Group rates are for a three night stay. It would be best to call soon to be sure you get the room type that you want.   

There are more resorts in the area if you choose not to stay at the OD Resort. Resorts close are The Avista, Ashworth, Windemere, North Shore Villas, Bahama Sands, Ocean Shores, and Tilghman Beach Club. 


Check out the Details of Events page to see plans as they are firmed up. 


Blank Space

silent Auction


Silent Auction will be on Friday 10am until 3pm.  We are looking for items to sell.  Holly Howell McGinnis will be monitoring the auction and receiving items. If you have items to donate, please contact Holly. Her email address is  Her phone number is 980-229-8079.  You can also drop off items with Tommy Huskey at 405 N. Poplar Street in Lincolnton NC.  Our bestselling items are artwork, pottery, woodwork, sports items, jewelry.  We already have some great items for this year! The Silent Auction helps finance our fun each year.


We welcome Reunion Sponsors.  Please consider donating goods, cash, or services.  We will list sponsors in our booklet and in the Hospitality Room.  Your sponsorship will help finance the band, door prizes, bingo prizes, and goody bags.

Last  year we had some wonderful items from our donors:  Jewelry from CM Blume, Artwork from Tom Owen and Gail Mauney Little, Christmas Ornaments,  Military Items from Thomas Froneberger and Danny Pickens, Hair products from Sandi Williams, Mary Kay Gift items, Decorated pillow from Beth Wiseman,Art from Janie Aldridge,Trailer from TRT Sales, Wooden Keg from Tommy Huskey,  and many more wonderful items !  

Remember that CM Blume Jewelry will be in suites 317 and 318 Thursday,Friday, & Saturday.  Anyone attending the reunion is welcome to a 10% discount on their purchases. A coupon will be available in your goody bag. 


Attention All Veterans!  We honor our veterans every year at the reunion.    

Whether you plan to attend or not, could you send an email to  Tell us your name, where and when you served, which branch of service and what was your last rank? Send us a picture of you in uniform if you have one.

Please share with us your opinion and input as to what you would like to see at the Veterans Recognition Ceremony on Saturday Night with Becky Crouse
Email to :



Want to play Cornhole?

If you want to compete for a coveted Cornhole award, please secure your rights to play when you register to attend the reunion. Sign-ups for the tournament will end on Saturday, September 27th, 2025 at Noon. 
We are limiting Singles Cornhole to the first 32 who sign up.  

When you arrive at OD Resort in October, Linda Harrill-Rudisill at the check-in station will let you draw for your tournament position.  Only those previously signed up to play will be allowed to draw for position. 

The cornhole tournament will begin on Friday Morning at 11AM with the Singles competition. 
The Doubles Competition will be determined on Saturday. Doubles will play to 21, and the winning team must win by 2 points. 

There will be awesome prizes plus bragging rights for the winners. 



2024 Reunion Committee Members

Milton & Patsy Kiser Cashion     Rebecca Dellinger Crouse             Lou Ann Cox Davis

Vickie Carpenter Elmore             Roger & Kathy Goodson              Nancy Lynch Huffman               

 Tommy & Pam Caskey Huskey   Pam Warner Lineberger               June Cloninger Loftin        

Dennis McCorkle                         Greg & Holly Howell McGinnis    Ken & Linda Harrill-Rudisill   

Steve & Kathy Barnette Valentine  Bill & Kay Long Warren             Randy Zimtbaum                        



The original 2013 committee wants to thank
all who attended. 
You made it what it is:  
Front row:  Johnny & Vickie Colvard, Pam Lineberger, Tommy Huskey, Judy & Marty Shuford 
Second row:  Smitty Little, Becky Crouse, Steve Valentine, Mick Caskey
Third row:  Pam Huskey, Ann W. Caldwell, Patsy Cashion, Rickie Allen, Paula Turner, Bobby Baker
4th Row: Ellen Caskey Lingerfelt, Linda Harrill-Rudisill, Ken Rudisill, Lib Caldwell, Steve Caldwell





Travelers Page weather link

OD Resort map

OD Pavilion




Fat Harolds Link
Click to visit NMB Chamber of Commerce


October 23rd, 2025
7:00am EDT
Days until Reunion:
October 23rd, 2025
7:00am EDT