Who attended in 2025-Coming up!
Who attended in 2024
Lavinia Burris Kuck
Larry Auton
Allen Freeman and Kandra Vang
Robert Goodson
Gerald Jordan
Johnny Reel
Ken and Linda Harrill-Rudisill
Robert Bynum
Terry and Tamera Stamey Whitener
Brenda Blackwell Auton
Rick and Myra Ramseur
David Rhyne
Judy Caldwell Shuford
Zed and Catherine Bynum Bradley
Kermit Caldwell
Phyllis Hammonds Carpenter
Nancy Lynch Huffman
Gerald Miller
Danny Pickens
Barbara Buchanan Rankin
Marty Shuford
Brenda Spake Dellinger
Johnny Dellinger
Bill Hovis
David Bell
Ann Beal Caldwell
Rebecca Dellinger Crouse and Kasi Allman
Tommy Drum
Tony Gilbert
Roger and Kathy Goodson
Ronnie Hallman
Wendy and Bill Heafner
Jill Ellis Hovis
Ronnie and Dianne Stamey Jenkins
Bill and Rita Kistler
June Cloninger Loftin
Susan Parker
Cecilia and Steve Poovey
Frances Haynes Rhyne
Randy and Cindy Sherrill
Edward Shrum
Everette Smith, Jr.
Terry Barker
Trudy Ray Bell
Vickie Carpenter Elmore and Grace Gardner
Dianne and Hub Finger, Jr.
Glenda Bollinger Fox
Tony Harkey and Jannette Shaw
Sharon Dellinger Miller
Brenda Blackburn Smith
Randy Zimtbaum
Patsy Kiser Cashion
Mickey Caskey
Steve and Frieda Setzer Cooper
Paul Haynes, Jr.
Jim and Liz Heafner
Warren and Donna Talbert Hoyle
David and Billie Johnson Hughes
Gail Mauney Little
Hal Schronce
Eddie Sigmon
Beth Harrill Yarbrough
Darrell Craig
Brenda Cash Fox
Cecelia Laney Haynes
Dianne Keever Heavner and Hope Riggins
Pam Caskey Huskey
Michael and Veronica Reep Keeney
Smitty Little
Jean Caskey Rome
C.B. and Linda Armstrong Wolfe
Marilyn Bynum Barker
Janice Little Craig
Jack and Cotty Link Lytton
Vicky Keener Schronce
Steve Valentine
Norma Blackburn Whitlock
Joe Yarbrough
Tom and Janie Aderholdt Aldridge
Aubrey and Frankie Allen Beam
Patty and Mike Cadenhead
Milton Cashion
Thomas Froneberger
Allen and Jeanne Goodson
Tommy Huskey
Sam and Karen Ledbetter
David Rayfield and Sofia Temple
Larry and Renee Rhodes
Frank and Cheryl Rudisill
Sue Jane Long Zimtbaum
Gary and Lou Ann Cox Davis
Dennis and Paula McCorkle
Jane Caskey Noles
Darlene Gilbert Rasar
Conrad Rhyne, III
Ronald Smith
Bill Ward
Harold and Suzanne Faires Willis
Tommy and Celeste Harrill
Tim and Debra Reynolds Hurt
Don Sisk
Kathy Barnette Valentine
John and Sue Davis Ward
Dianne Finger Wilson and Tommy Griffeth
Tim Wise
Reba Auton
Dwight and Karen Hedspeth Drum
Lynn Thornburg Gilbert
Cheryl and Jack Jones
Fredda Harrill McDonald
Glenn and Robin Chapman Wease
Robin Carswell McNamara
Kenneth and Regina Reep
Cindy Drum
Dyer and Amy Houser Farley
Steve and Judy Johnson High
Carl Martin and April Blackwell
Dana Roberts Ross
Max Colvard
Dorea Kuck Drum
Steve Gilbert
Lane and Kim Griffith
John B. Hoyle
Lisa and Wayne M. Hoyle
Jeffrey and Tracy Ward Ledbetter
Lee Leonhardt
Lois and Bob Lineberger
Danny and Tammie Sisk Long
Keith and Tina Boyles Martin
Robbie and Phyllis Sisk Robbins
Doug Ballard
Rebecca and Alan Coffey
Tammy Williams Heavner
Elizabeth Ann Miller Ostrow
Geno Price
Nancy Heavner Price
Silas Buck Ross, Jr.
Kenneth Shrum
Chris Story
Debi Shields Ballard
Mike and Candy Roberts Freeman
Ronnie Lawing
John Barkley and Susan Yeomans Walters
Brenda Leonard Ellington
Karen Self Hurt
Jane Blackwell Lawing
Joe Barnhill
Tim and Patty Dellinger
Tammy Colvard Hawn and Frank Huss
Jeff Hurt
Gene Duke Lineberger
Kim Harkey Mull and Wendell Hendrix
Janie Ledford Scronce
Pam Shrum
Sandi Gilbert Williams
Margie Blackburn
Kelly Houser Lineberger
Greg and Holly Howell McGinnis
Patty Norwood-Eskridge
Bruce and Brenda Kuster
Eric and Patti Taylor
Candy Miller Blume
Kimberly Ingle Colvard
Lawrence Duncan
John David Ledford
Frances Holbrooks Duncan
Julie Roseman Ledford
Dana Turner Harrison
Patrick Smith
Bill and Stacy Hovis Wright
Penny Avery Carpenter
Tony Hallman
David Blackburn
Stacy Dellinger
Cindy Hovis Haynes
Lauren Summey Leatherman
Kristy Setzer Smith and Sherry Cloninger
Tommy and Lesley Chapman
Amy Huss Dellinger
Traci Hoyle Dellinger
Tracey Jones Duncan
Diane Emanuelson Hallman
Ritchie Haynes
Jennifer Huskey
Julie Twitty Smith
Gregory Woodruff and Teena Fox
Tracy Eurey Barger
Tim and Karen Valentine
Jennifer and Jamie Walker
Tim "Bo" Abernethy
Brandon and Jennifer Sigmon Parker
Thomas "Klay" Shrum
Rebekah Finger
Bradley Beamer
Katie Helms Abernethy
Who attended in 2023
Lavinia Burris Kuck
Gary Bollinger
Allen Freeman and Kandra Vang
James Gantt and Margaret Christopher
Wayne Gilbert
Robert Goodson
Ken and Linda Harrill-Rudisill
Steve and Sandra Burris
Robert Bynum
Jerry Stamey
Terry and Tamera Stamey Whitener
Rick and Myra Ramseur
David Rhyne
Lana Whitesides Bollinger
Zed and Catherine Bynum Bradley
Kermit Caldwell
Nancy Lynch Huffman
Gerald Miller
Danny Pickens
Barbara Buchanan Rankin
Roger Ellis
Bill Hovis
Greer Reel Stamey
Bill Warren
Lee and Linda Turner Allmond
Randy and Rebecca Barnes
David Bell
Bill Blackwell
Ann Beal Caldwell
Rebecca Dellinger Crouse
Sherry Modlin Ellis
Roger and Kathy Goodson
Jill Ellis Hovis
Ronnie and Dianne Stamey Jenkins
Bill and Rita Kistler
Ronnie Leonhardt & Patricia Queen
June Cloninger Loftin
Cecilia and Steve Poovey
Frances Haynes Rhyne
Randy and Cindy Sherrill
Everette Smith, Jr.
Terry Barker
Trudy Ray Bell
Vickie Carpenter Elmore and Grace Gardner
Dianne and Hub Finger, Jr.
Glenda Bollinger Fox and Johnny Heafner
Pat Grigg Gilbert
Sharon Dellinger Miller
Brenda Blackburn Smith
Chris Smith
Kay Long Warren
Randy Zimtbaum
Patsy Kiser Cashion
Mickey Caskey
Steve and Frieda Setzer Cooper
Paul Haynes, Jr.
Jim and Liz Heafner
Warren and Donna Talbert Hoyle
David and Billie Johnson Hughes
Gail Mauney Little
Eddie Sigmon
Cecelia Costner Smith
Rebecca Abernethy
Roy Dellinger
Toni Stroup Hatch
Cecelia Laney Haynes
Dianne Keever Heavner and Kim Beam
Pam Caskey Huskey
Michael and Veronica Reep Keeney
Smitty Little
Jean Caskey Rome
C.B. and Linda Armstrong Wolfe
Marilyn Bynum Barker
June Broome Jarrett
Jack and Cotty Link Lytton
Steve Valentine
Norma Blackburn Whitlock
Tom and Janie Aderholdt Aldridge
Milton Cashion
Don and Miriam Hoyle Cline
Thomas Froneberger
Allen and Jeanne Goodson
Tommy Huskey
Sam and Karen Ledbetter
Ivey Loftin, Jr.
David Rayfield and Sofia Temple
Larry and Renee Rhodes
Donnie and Cindy Buchanan Robinson
Frank and Cheryl Rudisill
Sue Jane Long Zimtbaum
Jill Thornburg Childers
Teresa Hartsoe Crisson and Pete Higgenbotham
Gary and Lou Ann Cox Davis
Rhonda Rhodes Hoffman
Fred Jarrett
Dennis and Paula McCorkle
Jane Caskey Noles
Darlene Gilbert Rasar
Conrad Rhyne, III
Ronald Smith
Harold and Suzanne Faires Willis
Tommy and Celeste Harrill
Kenneth Hartsoe
Don Sisk
Kathy Barnette Valentine
John Ward
Sue Davis Ward & Shanda Layman
Tim Wise
Dwight and Karen Hedspeth Drum
Glenn and Robin Chapman Wease
Jeanene McConnell
Kenneth and Regina Reep
Cindy Drum
Dyer and Amy Houser Farley
Carl Martin and April Blackwell
Becky Hartsoe Putnam
Dana Roberts Ross
Dorea Kuck Drum
Lane and Kim Griffith
John B. Hoyle
Lisa and Wayne M. Hoyle
Jeffrey and Tracy Ward Ledbetter
Danny and Tammie Sisk Long
Keith and Tina Boyles Martin
Robbie and Phyllis Sisk Robbins
Doug Ballard
Tammy Williams Heavner
Elizabeth Ann Miller Ostrow
Geno Price
Nancy Heavner Price
Buck Ross, Jr.
Kenneth Shrum
Debi Shields Ballard
Brenda Coffey and Fred Sherrill
Mike and Candy Roberts Freeman
Ronnie Lawing
Terry Putnam
John Barkley and Susan Yeomans Walters
Brenda Leonard Ellington
Karen Self Hurt
Tina Bumgarner Kelly
Jane Blackwell Lawing
Jason and Lisa Bondurant May
Tim and Patty Dellinger
Jeff Hurt
Sandi Gilbert Williams
Greg and Holly Howell McGinnis
Bruce and Brenda Kuster
Eric and Patti Taylor
Candy Miller Blume
Lawrence Duncan
John David Ledford
Frances Holbrooks Duncan
Julie Roseman Ledford
David Blackburn
Cindy Hovis Haynes
Kristy Setzer Smith
Tommy and Lesley Chapman
Amy Huss Dellinger
Traci Hoyle Dellinger
Ritchie Haynes
Jennifer Huskey
Julie Twitty Smith
Gregory Woodruff and Teena Fox
Tim and Karen Valentine
Tim "Bo" Abernethy
Brandon and Jennifer Sigmon Parker
Rebekah Finger
Katie Helms
Who attended in 2022
Gary Bollinger
Allen Freeman and Kandra Vang
James Gantt and Margaret Christopher
Wayne Gilbert
Robert Goodson
Gerald Jordan
Ken and Linda Harrill-Rudisill
Steve and Sandra Burris
Paula Yount Turner
Terry and Tamera Stamey Whitener
Rick and Myra Ramseur
David Rhyne
Lana Whitesides Bollinger
Kermit Caldwell
Becky Devine Farrar and Becky Farrar Boykin
Nancy Lynch Huffman
Evelyn Lutz McNeely
Gerald Miller
Danny Pickens
Barbara Buchanan Rankin
Roger Ellis
Bill Hovis
Bill Warren
David Bell
Bill Blackwell
Ann Beal Caldwell
Rebecca Dellinger Crouse
Sherry Modlin Ellis
Roger and Kathy Goodson
Jill Ellis Hovis
Ronnie and Dianne Stamey Jenkins
Bill and Rita Kistler
Ronnie Leonhardt & Patricia Queen
June Cloninger Loftin
Cecilia and Steve Poovey
Frances Haynes Rhyne
Randy and Cindy Sherrill
Eddie Shrum
Everette Smith, Jr.
Terry Barker
Trudy Ray Bell
Vickie Carpenter Elmore and Phyllis Carpenter
Dianne and Hub Finger, Jr.
Pat Grigg Gilbert
Glenda Bollinger Fox and Johnny Heafner
Tony Harkey and Jeannette Shaw
Ellen Caskey Lingerfelt
Sharon Dellinger Miller
Brenda Blackburn Smith
Kay Long Warren
Randy Zimtbaum
Patsy Kiser Cashion
Mickey Caskey
Steve and Frieda Setzer Cooper
Paul Haynes, Jr.
Sherry Cloninger Heavner
Warren and Donna Talbert Hoyle
David and Billie Johnson Hughes
Eddie Sigmon
Bobby Baker and Frances Troutman
Darrell Craig
Roy and Dot Dellinger
Toni Stroup Hatch
Ernest and Margaret Ward Ekback
Cecelia Laney Haynes
Dianne Keever Heavner and Kim Homesley
Pam Caskey Huskey
Michael and Veronica Reep Keeney
Jean Caskey Rome
C.B. and Linda Armstrong Wolfe
Kevin Wright and Colette Walker
Marilyn Bynum Barker
Rebecca Cloninger
Janice Little Craig
Jack and Cotty Link Lytton
Steve Valentine
Norma Blackburn Whitlock
Tom and Janie Aderholdt Aldridge
Stephen Bailey
Aubrey and Frankie Allen Beam
Milton Cashion
Don and Miriam Hoyle Cline
Tommy Huskey
Patty Houk Lamb
Sam and Karen Ledbetter
Ivey Loftin, Jr.
Larry and Renee Rhodes
Frank and Cheryl Rudisill
Sue Jane Long Zimtbaum
Jill Thornburg Childers
Teresa Hartsoe Crisson and Pete Higgenbotham
Gary and Lou Ann Cox Davis
Dennis and Paula McCorkle
Jane Caskey Noles
Darlene Gilbert Rasar
Conrad Rhyne, III
Jock and Martha Houser Stetz
Harold and Suzanne Faires Willis
Daniel and Janice Whitesides Wilson
Tommy and Celeste Harrill
Kenneth Hartsoe
Kathy Barnette Valentine
John and Sue Davis Ward
Tim Wise
Dwight and Karen Hedspeth Drum
Glenn and Robin Chapman Wease
Jeannie Willis Bailey
Tim Stamey
Deborah Roberts Wise
Cindy Drum
Dyer and Amy Houser Farley
Carl Martin
Don Mauldin
Becky Hartsoe Putnam
Dana Roberts Ross
Jeff and Sandra Cloninger
Lane and Kim Griffith
John B. Hoyle
Lisa and Wayne M. Hoyle
Jeffrey and Tracy Ward Ledbetter
Keith and Tina Boyles Martin
Robbie and Phyllis Sisk Robbins
Doug Ballard
Alan and Rebecca Coffey
Elizabeth Ann Miller Ostrow
Geno Price
Nancy Heavner Price
Buck Ross
Debi Shields Ballard
Brenda Coffey and Fred Sherrill
Mike and Candy Roberts Freeman
Ronnie Lawing
Terry Putnam
John Barkley and Susan Yoemans Walters
Donna Moore Boyd
Brenda Leonard Ellington
Karen Self Hurt
Tina Bumgarner Kelly
Jane Blackwell Lawing
Jason and Lisa Bondurant May
Tim and Patty Dellinger
Michael and Crystal Poole Graham
Jeff Hurt
Kim Harkey Mull
Lynne Vernon Mullineaux and Donlan Papp
Kristin Ramsey Sledzewski
Sandi Gilbert Williams
Greg and Holly Howell McGinnis
Patti Norwood
Bruce and Brenda Kuster
Candy Miller Blume
Lawrence Duncan
John David Ledford
Frances Holbrooks Duncan
Julie Roseman Ledford
Cecil (Monty) Woodruff
David Blackburn
Cindy Hovis Haynes
Kristy Setzer Smith
Tommy and Lesley Chapman
Amy Huss Dellinger
Traci Hoyle Dellinger
Tracy Jones Duncan
Ritchie Haynes
Jennifer Huskey
Julie Twitty Smith
Gregory Woodruff
Tim and Karen Valentine
2021 (no 2020)
Who attended in 2021
Gary Bollinger
Allen Freeman and Kandra Vang
James Gantt and Margaret Christopher
Robert Goodson
Gerald Jordan
Ken and Linda Harrill-Rudisill
Steve and Sandra Burris
Paula Yount Turner
Terry and Tamera Stamey Whitener
Rick and Myra Ramseur
Judy Caldwell Shuford
Lana Whitesides Bollinger
Kermit Caldwell
John and Nancy Mauney Diebold
Gerald Miller
Danny Pickens
Barbara Buchanan Rankin
Marty Shuford
Roger Ellis
Bill Hovis
Bill Warren
David Bell
Bill Blackwell
Ann Beal Caldwell
Rebecca Dellinger Crouse and Kasi Britt
Sherry Modlin Ellis
Terry Carpenter Freeman
Roger and Kathy Goodson
Bill Heafner
Jill Ellis Hovis
Ronnie and Dianne Stamey Jenkins
Bill and Rita Kistler
June Cloninger Loftin
Cecilia and Steve Poovey
Randy and Cindy Sherrill
Everette Smith, Jr.
Terry Barker
Trudy Ray Bell
Dianne and Hub Finger, Jr.
Glenda Bollinger Fox and Johnny Heafner
Tony Harkey and Jeannette Shaw
Terry Hull
Sharon Dellinger Miller
Brenda Blackburn Smith
Kay Long Warren
Randy Zimtbaum
Ken and Libby Hartman Baxter
Patsy Kiser Cashion
Mickey Caskey
Steve and Frieda Setzer Cooper
Paul Haynes, Jr.
Jim and Liz Heafner
Warren and Donna Talbert Hoyle
David and Billie Johnson Hughes
Ronald Lineberger
Gail Mauney Little
Eddie Sigmon
Larry and Colette Walker
Johnny Whitesides and Paula Baucom
Rebecca Abernethy
Bobby Baker and Frances Troutman
Darrell Craig
Roy Dellinger
Eric and Nancy Frazier
Toni Stroup Hatch
Cecelia Laney Haynes
Dianne Keever Heavner and Kim Homesley
Pam Caskey Huskey
Michael and Veronica Reep Keeney
Kay Nale Kerr and Bob Mori
Charles Smitty Little
Jean Caskey Rome
Adrian and Deborah Beam Shelley
C.B. and Linda Armstrong Wolfe
Marilyn Bynum Barker
Janice Little Craig
Marcene Lynch Hull
June Broome Jarrett
Jack and Cotty Link Lytton
Scott and Molly Norwood
Steve Valentine
Norma Blackburn Whitlock
Tom and Janie Aderholdt Aldridge
Aubrey and Frankie Allen Beam
Milton Cashion
Tommy Huskey
Sam and Karen Ledbetter
Ivey Loftin, Jr.
Larry and Renee Rhodes
Tammy and Gerald Lee Smith
Sue Jane Long Zimtbaum
Teresa Hartsoe Crisson and Pete Higgenbotham
Wink Finger
Vickie Hendrick Hoke
Fred Jarrett
Dennis and Paula McCorkle
Jane Caskey Noles
Darlene Gilbert Rasar
Conrad Rhyne, III
Jock and Martha Houser Stetz
Harold and Suzanne Faires Willis
Tommy and Celeste Harrill
Kathy Barnette Valentine
John and Sue Davis Ward
Tim Wise
Dwight and Karen Hedspeth Drum
Glenn and Robin Chapman Wease
Kevin Schronce
Deborah Roberts Wise
Cindy Drum
Dyer and Amy Houser Farley
Carl Martin
Don Mauldin
Becky Hartsoe Putnam
Tracy Ward Alvarado
Lane and Kim Griffith
John B. Hoyle
Lisa and Wayne M. Hoyle
Jeffrey Ledbetter
Keith and Tina Boyles Martin
Robbie and Phyllis Sisk Robbins
Tim Albertson and Jamie Sigman
Doug Ballard
Alan and Rebecca Coffey
Tammy Williams Heavner
Elizabeth Ann Miller Ostrow
Chris and Marian Story
Debi Shields Ballard
Brenda Coffey and Fred Sherrill
Mike and Candy Roberts Freeman
Kevin Jones
Ronnie Lawing
Terry Putnam
Trina Helms Schronce
John Barkley
Donna Moore Boyd
Jane Blackwell Lawing
Tim and Patty Dellinger
Kim Harkey Mull
Kristin Ramsey Sledzewski
Greg and Holly Howell McGinnis
Jeff and Gaylynn Kale Cartner
Bruce and Brenda Kuster
Candy Miller Blume
John David Ledford
Julie Roseman Ledford
Cecil (Monty) Woodruff
David Blackburn
Kristy Setzer Smith
Tommy and Lesley Chapman
Traci Hoyle Dellinger
Tracy Jones Duncan
Jennifer Huskey
Julie Twitty Smith
Gregory and Carla Woodruff
Tim and Karen Valentine
Rebekah Finger
Ross Ledford and Nicole Bissonette
1956 |
Franklin (Budgie) Rice |
1958 |
Judson Devine |
Judy Senter Kiser |
1959 |
Jane Page |
1960 |
Kaye Setzer Bach and Ron Bach |
Gary Bollinger |
Fred and Connie Clanton |
James Gantt |
Robert Goodson |
Dianne Kiser Hollis |
Johnny Reel |
Linda Harrill- Rudisill and Ken Rudisill |
Joey Sherrill |
Peggie McAlister Shuford
1961 |
Barbara Saine Carpenter "Boodles" |
Linda Ballard Geers |
Don James |
Gene Scott and Mary Rhyne Smith |
Jerry Stamey |
Paula Yount Turner |
Tamera Stamey Whitener and Terry Whitener |
1962 |
Rickie Huskey Allen and Robert Allen |
Kenny and Jane Wilson Finger |
Ann Henderson Howell and Guy Howell |
Carol Keever Martin |
Worth McAlister |
Gary and Susan McConnell |
Rick and Myra Ramseur |
David Rhyne |
Dennis and Jeanne Setzer |
Judy Caldwell Shuford
1963 |
Fred (Pudgy) Ballard |
Lana Whitesides Bollinger |
Kermit Caldwell |
Rebecca Devine Farrar |
Johnny Hovis |
Nancy Lynch Huffman |
Gerald Miller |
Barbara Buchanan Rankin |
Marty Shuford |
1964 |
Wanda Saunders Ballard |
Brenda Harris Bates |
Steve and Suzanne Benfield |
Sandra Laney Brown |
Judy Lingerfelt Burrell |
Roger Ellis |
Vicky Heafner Gilbert |
Steve and Patsy Armstrong Herman |
Bill Hovis |
Sherrill Bates Meredith |
Freddie Rhyne |
Carole Long Sherrill |
Greer Reel Stamey |
Rick and Anita Stroupe |
Linda Dellinger Walker and William Stewart |
Bill Warren |
Roger Williams |
1965 |
Vickie Hovis Abernethy |
David Bell |
Ann Beal Caldwell |
Gwen Rudisill Carpenter and Mike Carpenter |
Becky Dellinger Crouse |
Michael and Ann Dodgin |
Sherry Modlin Ellis |
Candy Mauney Gaudet and Larry Gaudet |
Tony Gilbert |
Mike Goins |
Roger and Kathy Goodson |
Molly Heavner Graham and Margaret Schrum |
Ronnie and Rebecca Hallman |
Elaine Nance Harmon |
Dianne Perdue Helms and Tommy Helms |
Jill Ellis Hovis |
Sandra Lucas- Hyde and Joe DeFeo |
Dianne Stamey Jenkins and Ronnie Jenkins |
Cathy McLurd Kelly |
Vickie Dysart King |
Bill and Rita Kistler |
Dennis and Sharon Kuck |
Ronnie Leonhardt |
Timothy Lewis |
June Cloninger Loftin |
Patsy McAlister |
Steve and Cecelia Poovey |
Mary Anna Combs Rankin |
Frances Haynes Rhyne |
Randy and Cindy Sherrill and Fred Sherrill |
Ed Shrum |
1966 |
Fran Chapman Ballard |
Terry Barker |
Jim Barkley, Jr. |
Trudy Ray Bell |
Marty Eaddy |
Vickie Carpenter Elmore |
Glenda Bollinger Fox and John Fox |
Jane Leonard Fox and Jessica Fox and Kitty Giese |
Patsy Grigg Gilbert |
Tony and Jeannette Harkey |
Samuel (Bo) and Carol King |
Ellen Caskey Lingerfelt |
Sharon Dellinger Miller |
Marcus and Patsy Mullen |
Michael Joe Scronce |
Chris Smith |
Glenda Shrum Smith and Michael Smith |
Junior (Everette) Smith |
Kay Long Warren |
Gail Heavner Williams |
Randy Zimtbaum |
1967 |
Belva Henderson Baxter and Terry Baxter |
Libby Hartman Baxter and Kenny Baxter |
Vicki Bollinger |
Roger and Ann Warren Caldwell |
Patsy Kiser Cashion |
Mickey Caskey |
Joe Cobb |
Frieda Setzer Cooper and Steve Cooper |
Paul Haynes |
Sherry Cloninger Heavner |
Bob and Cynthia Houser and Adrienne Houser |
Billie Johnson Hughes and J. David Hughes |
BC (Beezy) and Pam Warner Lineberger |
Ronald Lineberger |
Gail Mauney Little |
Mike and Jane Kiser Modlin |
Brenda Blackburn Smith |
Cecelia Costner Smith |
Don and Katherine Stewart |
Ron and Pamela Stewart |
Larry and Colette Walker |
Beth Harrill Yarbrough |
1968 |
Rebecca Abernethy |
Bobby and Frances Baker |
Danny Barkley and Vonda Krueger |
Roy and Dot Dellinger |
Jill Stevens Eaddy |
Leon Harmon |
Toni Stroup Hatch |
Cecelia Laney Haynes |
Wayne Hoyle |
Pam Caskey Huskey |
Wally Lingerfelt |
Smitty Little |
Pam McAlister |
Richie Rhyne |
Wanda Roberson |
Jean Caskey Rome |
Linda Armstrong Wolfe and C.B. Wolfe
1969 |
David Abernethy |
Rebecca Cloninger Bailes |
Brenda Grigg Bailey and Ron Bailey |
Marilyn Bynum Barker |
Lanny Caldwell |
Johnny and Vickie Colvard |
David Frye |
Scott and Molly Norwood |
Steve Valentine |
Norma Blackburn Whitlock and Larry Whitlock |
Joe Yarbrough
1970 |
Janie Aderholdt Aldridge and Tom Aldridge |
Milton Cashion |
Donald and Miriam Hoyle Cline |
Michael and Libby Crowell Cline |
Dana Canipe Cobb |
Allen and Jeanne Goodson |
Randy and Susan Harris |
Tommy Huskey |
Ivey (Junior) Loftin |
Janice Lockman Peeler |
Bob Rankin |
John Rhodes and Janet Bucca-Rhodes |
Cindy Buchanan Robinson and Donnie Robinson |
Frank and Cheryl Rudisill |
Melissa Andrews Scronce |
Nancy Lowe Stokes |
Sue Long Zimtbaum |
1971 |
Patty Harkey Blackwell |
Lou Ann Cox Davis |
Wink Finger |
Conrad Rhyne III |
Linda Sain Saine |
1972 |
Rick Blackwell |
Cindy Bryant Caldwell |
Ann Grigg Frye |
Tommy and Celeste Harrill |
Kathy Barnette Valentine |
1973 |
Lynn Thornburg Gilbert |
1974 |
Leroy Buff III |
Terry Colvard Rhyne and Steve Rhyne |
1975 |
Sharon Rhodes Barkley |
1977 |
Tammy Williams Heavner |
1978 |
Suzette Holbrooks and Becky Cress |
1981 |
Patti Norwood Cooke |
Holly Howell |
1990 |
Jennifer Huskey |
Martha Lobo |
Who Attended Reunion in 2013
1959 |
Jane Page |
1960 |
Kaye Setzer Bach and Ron Bach |
Fred Clanton and Connie Ann Clanton |
Allen Freeman |
Anita (Nita) McNeill Lathan and Gerald Lathan |
Linda Davis Moore and John Moore |
Johnny Reel |
Linda Harrill Rudisill and Ken Rudisill |
Peggie McAlister Shuford
1961 |
Fred Julius Alexander, Jr. |
Libby Richard Caldwell and Steve Caldwell |
Barbara Saine Carpenter "Boodles" |
Patsy Cornwell Coxe |
Linda Ballard Geers |
Gene Scott Smith and Mary Rhyne Smith |
Jerry Stamey |
Paula Yount Turner |
Tamera Stamey Whitener and Terry Whitener
1962 |
Rickie Huskey Allen and Robert Allen |
Jane Wilson Finger and Kenny Finger |
Worth McAlister |
Carol Keever Martin |
Rick Ramseur and Myra Ramseur |
David Rhyne |
Hugh Rudisill |
Dennis Setzer and Jeanne Setzer |
Judy Caldwell Shuford
1963 |
Fred (Pudgy) Ballard |
Kermit Caldwell |
Elizabeth Cannon and Trevada Peck |
Rebecca Devine Farrar |
Janet Smith Holderness |
Nancy Lynch Huffman |
Gerald Miller |
Barbara Buchanan Rankin |
Linda Drum Schultz |
Marty Shuford
1964 |
Patricia (Patsy) Devine Alexander |
Linda Huss Aschbrenner and Don Aschbrenner |
Sandra Laney Brown |
Judy Lingerfelt Burrell |
Charlie Hord |
Bill Hovis |
Charles Hupfer |
David Leonard |
Robert Long and Beth Long |
Greer Reel Stamey |
Rick Stroupe and Anita Stroupe |
Linda Faye Dellinger Walker and William Stewart
1965 |
Vickie Hovis Abernethy |
Randy Barnes and Rebecca Barnes |
Rebekah Andrews Beal and Hazel Andrews |
David Bell |
Ann Beal Caldwell |
Sydelia Abernethy Cooper and Butch Cooper |
Becky Dellinger Crouse |
Michael Dodgin and Ann Dodgin |
Tommy Drum |
Candy Mauney Gaudet and Larry Gaudet |
Roger Goodson and Kathy S. Goodson |
Molly Heavner Graham |
Ronnie Hallman and Rebecca Hallman |
Elaine Nance Harmon |
Bill Heafner and Wendy Heafner |
Dianne Perdue Helms and Tommy Helms |
Jill Ellis Hovis |
Frances Broome Hupfer |
Sandra Lucas Hyde and Joe DeFeo |
Dianne Stamey Jenkins and Ronnie Jenkins |
Cathy McLurd Kelly |
Vickie Dysart King |
Bill Kistler and Rita Kistler |
Dennis Kuck and Sharon Kuck |
Phyllis Hoffman Labauch and Stanley Labauch |
Ronnie Leonhardt |
Timothy Lewis |
June Cloninger Loftin |
Patsy McAlister and Ernie Green |
Steve Poovey and Cecelia Poovey |
Alice Rudisill Ramsey and Charles Ramsey |
Mary Anna Combs Rankin |
Frances Haynes Rhyne |
Randy Sherrill and Cindy Foster Sherrill |
Terry Talbert
1966 |
Terry Barker |
Fran Chapman Ballard |
Trudy Ray Bell |
Barry Byers and Cissy Byers |
Vickie Carpenter Elmore |
Jane Leonard Fox and John J. Fox |
Tony Harkey and Jeannette Harkey |
Mary Caskey Leonard |
Ellen Caskey Lingerfelt and Kelsey Lingerfelt and Warren Phillips |
Sharon Dellinger Miller |
Julian Rudisill and Alene Rudisill |
Michael A Schultz |
Michael Joe Scronce |
Kay Long Warren and Bill Warren |
Randy Zimtbaum
1967 |
Belva Henderson Baxter and Terry Baxter |
Ann Warren Caldwell and Roger Caldwell |
Patsy Kiser Cashion |
Mickey Caskey |
Timothy Cherry and Katherine Cherry |
Frieda Setzer Cooper and Steve Cooper |
Paul Haynes |
Jim Heafner and Liz Heafner |
Howard Heavner and Cindie Heavner |
Sherry Cloninger Heavner |
Gail Perdue Hord |
Bobby Houser |
Billie Johnson Hughes and J. David Hughes |
BC Lineberger and Pam Lineberger |
Ronald Lineberger and Harriet Lineberger |
Gail Mauney Little |
Rose Morris Luppold and Robert Luppold |
Frances Cline Patterson and Hal Patterson |
Johnny Whitesides |
Beth Harrill Yarbrough
1968 |
Rebecca Abernethy |
Bobby Baker and Frances Baker |
Roy Dellinger and Dot Dellinger |
Leon Harmon |
Patricia Rudisill Haselden |
Cecelia Laney Haynes |
Evelyn Boyles Hord and Steve Hord |
Pam Caskey Huskey |
Kay Nale Kerr |
Rheba Taylor Leonard |
Wally Lingerfelt |
Smitty Little |
Pam McAlister |
Richie Rhyne |
Wanda Roberson |
Jean Caskey Rome |
Linda Armstrong Wolfe and C.B. Wolfe
1969 |
Rebecca Cloninger Bailes |
Brenda Grigg Bailey and Ron Bailey |
Marilyn Bynum Barker |
Johnny Colvard and Vickie Colvard |
Vickey Abernethy Lewis |
Scott Norwood and Molly Norwood |
Kenneth Perdue and Ann Perdue |
Steve Valentine |
Beth Gilbert Wrenn and Lee Wrenn |
Joe Yarbrough
1970 |
Janie Aderholdt Aldridge and Tom Aldridge |
Milton Cashion |
Bill Childs and Jean Kiser Childs |
Donald Cline and Miriam Hoyle Cline |
Allen Goodson and Jeanne Goodson |
Eddie Goodson |
Danny Hallman |
Randy Harris and Susan Harris |
Tommy Huskey |
Ivey (Junior) Loftin |
Janice Lockman Peeler |
Bob Rankin |
Cindy Buchanan Robinson and Donnie Robinson |
Melissa Andrews Scronce |
Nancy Lowe Stokes |
Sue Long Zimtbaum
1971 |
Lou Ann Cox Davis |
Wink Finger
Linda Sain Saine |
1972 |
Sandra Cloninger Bledsoe
Kathy Barnette Valentine |
1973 |
Marsha Lay and Leann Yung
1976 |
Dorea Kuck Drum
1978 |
Tina Morrison Goodson |
Suzette Holbrooks and Becky Cress and Shirley Smith |
1981 |
Patti Norwood Cooke |
1990 |
Jennifer Huskey |
Martha Lobo |